Tips | Learning Spanish with Johanna


 “Some things are taught and many other ones are learned from experience”.


Is very important to review constantly the vocabulary that has been taught. The same effort that we put in teaching new vocabulary is the one we need to have in keeping the vocabulary they have acquired fresh in their memory. Words will then start to come out naturally with little effort.

Ultimately what we look for is to add complexity to their knowledge. We instruct by putting together vocabulary like a puzzle, incorporating words that allow them to start describing and talking about themselves, as well as their family, animals, and surroundings.

Flow of the Day 

  1. Use the “Hola” song to start the day and initiate a greeting conversation. (This is a great opportunity to review feelings) 
  2. Spend a few minutes reviewing some vocabulary:
  • Sing the songs and do the motions, use “Mi Libro de Español” to review vocabulary playing games or play simple “Question and Answer” games.

    3.  New vocabulary: In the  page FAQ under How to teach with this program,  you will find instructions on how to teach new vocabulary. 

    4.  Time to say Goodbye: Sing the “Adios”. You can highlight some of the phrases of the song to say good-bye, as “Nos vemos después” (I will see you later). Eventually, you can replace the word “adios” for “Chao” or “Hasta luego”.

Teaching from home? Brainstorming ideas

Games to review vocabulary at home or school. Keep in mind that you can play the same games with any vocabulary.

Games with Colors Game with Colors and numbers Game with colors and movement
Games with Pets

© Learning Spanish with Johanna